Jav 22 Johannes VETTER 97.76m Technical analysis

Something great in athletics is that ”records are made to be broken” and even those that we believe to be out of reach and which are standing since many years. The 98,48m throw by Zelezny is holding since 1996 , 24 years ! and was considered by many people as going to last for ages when nobody was really menacing it . Now the same people may be thinking that it will be only a matter of days or weeks until the German Johannes VETTER does it. And there is much talk that he will be the next 100m thrower , after the legendary Uwe HOHN and his 104,80m throw with the flying javelin. In fact when you look at the video of Vetter’s throw , you can see that his delivery happened nearly 4m from the line and that he indeed achieved a 100m+ throw. Johannes VETTER is obviously a marvelous athlete . The common spectator will be enthusiastic about the spectacular ”diving” recovery but javelin experts will certainly look more for the incredible left leg blocking action and the not less incredible shoulder allowing for an exceptional arm whip. Available documents : 1-PDF 9 pages with 2 commented photo sequences -2-Vid 1 Video of the 97,76m throw -3-Vid2 Slow motion comparative video of the delivery

Johannes VETTER 97.76m technical analysis
Vetter 97.76m simultaneous views