Coach 10 Conditioning : SPEED , Swimming and throwing , same causes, same effects

Swimming ? Why on earth are we publishing an article about swimming and more especially about the legend coach Gennadi TOURETSKI (recently passed away) who became the ”gourou” of the Australian (and world) swimming at the end of the last century ? In fact , it is quite simple , it is the fact that Gennadi’s coaching approach of the conditioning of the swimmers was based on SPEED . At the time it was at the opposite of the official practices and theories. The relation with the preparation of the throwers is now the word SPEED , train for speed , train to develop the proper strength developing speed . in this article from Wayne GOLDSMITH you can nearly every time swap the word swimming for the word throwing. Unfortunately , in the throwing world , the tenants of the concept ”The bigger , the stronger , the better ” are still spreading their ”virus” but more and more athletes and coaches have been now ”vaccinated” and are progressively taking over with new training methods.. Personally, we have been since quite a long time convinced that we have to prepare athletes as ”Formula 1 ” not ”big trucks” and you will find in this blog several related documents I have produced since over 20 years . Available document : 1-Tech4 ”Commented” Article out of the Australian swimming bulletin .

Gennadi Swimming and throwing