Ham 47 TIRADO Hammer story : Fernanda 51.33m breaks the 50m line

This is the continuation of the hammer story of young Fernanda TIRADO . Things are looking good . After moving from the 3 turns to the 4 turns technique , she is now able to throw with some consistency and to get the benefits of this technical improvement . Breaking the 50m line at this age is not really common (less than 10 athletes in the world in this year rankings) . But there is still a long way to go as this throw was far to be perfect as can be seen on the documents of this chapter . This is rather a good new and it will not be surprising, if things follow their normal course ,to see even bigger throws coming before the end of this year where she may well reach her next goal of 55m.

Available documents : 1-Technical analysis Tirado 51.33m with commented photo séquences + faults and corrections  -2 Original video Tirado 51.33m  -3-Original video from behind (same day) 49.45m  – 4-Video analysis 51.33m with slow mo and freeze framing

Fernanda TIRADO 51.33m technical analysis and coaching
Fernanda TIRADO 51.33m video analysis