Ham 51 I THROW THEREFORE I AM with Erwin SUVAAL and Didier POPPE

Any body who dares to venture throwing the hammer one day, is somewhere a bit naive to believe in Santa Claus and that they will succeed to get it flying nicely out of the cage without being themselves ejected more or less kindly anywhere around the place.  Then you get into the swings of the bloody thing and you catch the hammer virus. Certainly one of the worse virus in all sporting events. The Dutch cartoonist Erwin SUVAAL, has been through this and, using Santa Claus and his snowman as characters of his cartoons, tells the story of what you can expect when trying to tame this 7kg iron ball head which may have no brain but has certainly other ideas than accept to be thrown away and retrieved peacefully.

These are 26 humoristic cartoons situations that we have completed with some texts on our own. A document which will make smile all the numerous family of the hammer throwers, young and old, big or small, champions or beginners, knowing that those who throw the furthest, may not be those who have the most fun !

Special thanks to James THOMAS for the Kiwi-English translation from French


Available documents : 1-PDF 26 pages Hammer throwing is fun    2-PDF visitors 10 pages  3-Video 5′ I throw therefore I am   4-Video visitors 2′

I throw therefore I am Suvaal- Poppé
I throw therefore I am mobile sequence