Sht 34 Joe KOVACS 22.72m Analysis and documents

Joe KOVACS is one of the actual leading shot putters and one of the favorites for the coming Tokyo Olympics games. He has already been twice world champion and twice vice champion. Everybody is expecting his rivalry with countryman Ryan CROUSER to break the Randy BARNES world record at 23,12m. But we are still waiting as both athletes are still bombarding below the 23m line in spite of multiple attempts . Will that be this year ? It would be about time after so much hard work , so many tons of iron lifted and multiple training throws over this distance . In spite that I have a lot of respect for what he is doing , Joe KOVACS is not my favorite type of thrower and his approach of the event with ”the stronger the better” philosophy , is not what I think should be done and achieved with a more speed oriented strategy. Also some technical choices which are unfortunately the technical trend among top throwers , are to my views , not the right bio mechanical options , especially in the delivery where you have to transfer as efficiently as possibles the forces and the speeds created into the implement. These rotational delivery where the shot seems to escape more than it is thrown are not my piece of cake. I have too much the feeling that most of this huge strength is used to move the big heavy bodies , not the shot. Of course , if the record is broken one day , everybody will copy the champion and believe everything he does is right …but the history of our sport , and especially of the throwing events , is full of these sorts of truths which are happily destroyed by the next generations . Available document : 1-Tech 1 PDF 4 pages photo sequences and technical analysis 22,72m throw -2- Vid 1 Video analysis 22,72m throw (members

Jo KOVACS 22.72m technical analysis
Joe KOVACS 22.72m video analysis