Coach 12 CONDITIONING : Posture and conditioning by Olivier PAULY

A 2nd part of the research work of Olivier PAULY around the general theme of ”the posture”. This time more precisely oriented on the necessary conditions for a good conditioning respecting the body functioning. Instead of rushing under the bars and develop strength in artificial conditions , it is wiser and , at term, more efficient , to work in a better more well balanced way. Because any force can only be used with profit if the postural support is sufficient and matching the constraints it will have to manage. The kilog pushed or lifted will satisfy the ”egos” looking for ”progresses” and spectacular performances -(how many of these pathetic videos of ”exploits” using always the same movements can we see on the internet !) – these are seldom confirmed by ”real”performances by lack of being really adapted to the body functioning ! Available document : Tech 4 PDF 40 pages lecture from Olivier PAULY

Posture and physical conditioning Olivier PAULY