Jav 24 Brianna TIRADO (NZL) 16y 42.36m (2020) and 17y 45.86m (600g) (2021)

2020 Brianna TIRADO at just over 16 years . She has started the javelin throw less than 2 years ago with a very modest throw of 27m in February 2019 . At the end of the same year , she had a PB at 36,07m . Still relatively modest but enough to get her 1st national medal (Bronze) at the NZL school champs . In march 2020 , she won the silver at the NZL U18 champs , one year only after her debuts and 10m further . Then there was the break with the Covid crisis , but as soon as possible she was back on training and improved her PB to 39,69m in October then 42,38m in November , to get into the lead of the resident NZL rankings of the year. The story is certainly not finished as can be seen on the documents of this chapter , She has still a great progression margin on the technical side and certainly as much when she can manage a serious conditioning . But already now , she will be in this blog the young javelin talent that we shall follow . Available documents : 1-Tech 1 : PDF 7 pages photo sequence commented analysis 42,38m PB throw -2- Vid1 : Video Analysis of the same throw

2021 One progresses usually step by step , but sometimes you are lucky to do a jump ! That’s what happened to U18 Brianna last 13th February at the Porritt meet in Hamilton when , after a fouled 1st attempt , her javelin sailed to 45,86m in the second throw . Her previous PB with the 600g was 42,01m since last December …and 36,84m 4 months ago !!! A nearly 9m improvement ! The funny thing is that now her PB with the 500g , (the normal implement for her age) is only 43,00m . So it can be expected to also move up considerably with the objective being to go after the NZL U18 record of 48,95m. These progresses do not come from nowhere but are the reward for a serious commitment and training. The technical comparison with our previous document is clear enough of what sort of work has been made on the javelin control , proper blocking and use of the left side with a much better delivery into the point. Obviously (And hopefully) there is more to come , looking now for a more aggressive approach run and hop and block , but also improving her specific and general conditioning . Available documents : 1-Tech 1 PDF 8 pages commented photo sequence 45,86m throw -2-Vid 1 Video analysis with slow motion , freeze framing , sequencing of the same throw

Brianna TIRADO 42.38m tech analysis
Brianna TIRADO 45.86m tech analysis
Brianna TIRADO 45.86m Video analysis