Dsc 17 Ehsan HADDADI London 2012 Documents

That was so close to an Olympic Gold medal for the Iranian thrower Ehsan HADDADI when he got his discus close to the 70m line but …fouled .and had to satisfy with silver and 68,18m. At 1,92m and and 120kg , Ehsan is a relatively small thrower after the modern standards of nowadays world class throwers. Of course he has a very good technique with a superb entry wide and well balanced , a good right leg action , an excellent power position at right foot landing and an explosive delivery . (PB 69,32m 2008). Haddadi offered his silver medal to children with cancer, and travelled to Azerbaijan to gather funds for the 2012 earthquakes victims. On 27 March 2020, Haddadi announced he tests positive for COVID-19 during its pandemic in Iran. A great thrower and a great heart ! Documents are a 7 pages PDF with photo sequences and comments on the key points plus Vid 1 a good quality video of the throw taken from the coach’s area

HADDADI Technical analysis