Dsc 47 EUGENE 2022 Women discus final round per round

This was certainly one of the major surprises of these championships . The American Valarie ALLMAN was everybody’s favourite …but …she was punched so hard in the 1st round by the Chinese Bin FENG who got a completely unexpected PB 69.12m , that she never recovered . So that was the Gold winning throw ! PERKOVIC and ALLMAN were left to fight for  the other metals . Sandra PERKOVIC finally made it to the silver with 68.45m in the 2nd round and Valarie could not do better than 68.30m in the 3rd . Behind the top 3 , nobody got over the 65m line with Jorinde VAN KLINKEN getting 4th with 64.97m and Claudine VITA  5th, who was the best of the Germans with 64.24m with Kristin PUDENZ , the silver medal from Tokyo , completely missing her competition.

Eugene 2022 Discus women final Round 1
Eugene 2022 Discus women final round 2
Eugene 2022 Discus women final round 3
Eugene 2022 Discus women final round 4
Eugene 2022 Discus women final round 5