Dsc 50 GOOD and BAD of the DISCUS THROW with Fernanda TIRADO 14 years

Consistency in control of the technique is one of the points where young athletes have to progress . Everybody can have a good throw , but everybody can have also a bad throw. the difference between a beginner and a champion is that the champion , being more confident in his technique , will be able to focus more on the fighting spirit needed by the competition.  The best way to build a reliable technique is to work first on having good postures during the key phases of the throw , this will provide control and balance and allow progressively to build and use more speed . Remember that it is not because your athlete has done a good throw in training that he will automatically reproduce it in competition . In fact it’s mostly just the opposite and it is certainly very frustrating . Who has never heard ”Ah yes , but in training , I have done this or that etc…” . To copy a famous saying : ”The real individual technique is what is left when the athlete has forgotten all what his coach has told him !” . In our exemple , young multi talented Fernanda TIRADO did not do too bad in 2 of her competition throws for a PB , but she did also quite a few ”not too good things” in some other throws . There is still work to do , but she is certainly on the good road with rather surprisingly good postures and technique for her age.  Available documents : 1-PDF technical analysis ; the good and the bad.   On the making : 2-Video analysis.

Bad and good Fernanda TIRADO discus technique analysis