Ham 26 Nicole BRADLEY 70.07m 3rd NZL thrower over 70m

It is quite remarkable that a relatively small country like New Zealand , well known for her world class shot putters Valerie ADAMS , Tom WALSH and Maddison WESCHE has also 3 women throwing over 70m in the hammer. Only 3 other countries in the world (USA – POL – CHN ) can say the same ! . After Lauren BRUCE 74,61m ,Julia RATCLIFFE 73,55m, the 3rd New Zealander Nicole BRADLEY is an experienced thrower . She has progressively built her technique along a 13 years career before reaching the symbolic 70m line which is the criteria of the international level in this event. Her technique is not ”perfect” but shows some solid points on the most important technical features of the throw : -A solid trunk upright posture all along the throw -Long arms building a constant isosceles triangle -A fluid foot work -Control of the hammer head high and low points -Facing the hammer all along the throw -Good 90* posture at the 90* left and right ”mirror” key positions -A progressively inclined wide hammer path -Progressive higher ”catch” of the hammer through the turns -Solid left side in the delivery -Progressive SPEED Available documents : 1-Tech PDF 8 pages Commented photo sequence from her 70.07m throw -2-Vid 1 Video Analysis of the 70.07m throw -3-vid 2 Competition serie 66.19m-70,07m-68.40m-69.26m-68.88m-67.27m

Bradley 70.07m technical analysis
Bradley 70.07m video analysis