Ham 40 Fernanda TIRADO moving to the 4 turns technique

It is always an important decision to take in the hammer coaching process when you have to decide to move to the 4 turns technique instead of 3. Do it too early when the athlete doesn’t have the proper coordination and control of his posture and foot work , and you are in for a laborious period . Do it too late when the athlete has reached a technical maturity level and high confidence with the 3 turns and you are at risk to destroy something efficient for something which will be quite uncertain and take a while before producing results. The right moment is when you estimate the athlete ready to make this technical step and has the time in the season to face a rather challenging period . Challenging because it is not as simple as it may seems to do one more turn in the hammer throw . In fact everything is different : the footwork , the path and plane of the hammer , the rythm of the throw , some of the postures and , of course , the building and control of more speed.

In this chapter , we shall follow our young Fernanda during this critical time with documents on her technical problems and progresses and about the exercises we are going to use to help for this technical change.

Available documents so far : 1-PDF training throw 4 turns with coaching observations  2-Videos of a relatively good 4 turns throw -3-video of a not too good 4 turns throws -4-Video of a bad throw with a sledge hammer ….5-exercises videos to come

Tirado 4 turns technique Analysis